Want to donate to CirqueLouis? Here's how...



Keep circus arts alive and thriving in Louisville!

You know we are a 501(c)3, right? That means any and all donations are tax deductible so please consider contributing today!

Please note that CirqueLouis reserves the right to apply donations to the funds with the largest need. Any funds received over and above the budget of any given campaign will be put into the general CirqueLouis fund in order to keep our circus freaks flying!


Our Mission: Connecting and entertaining our community.

As a 501(c)3 any outright donations to CirqueLouis Co are tax deductible. An option for individual, family or corporate support of our classes (scholarships) or our production is to give at any of the following donation levels listed below.

Donation Tiers and How Your Donation Works:

CirqueLouis Donation/Sponsorship tiers:

Having funds allows us artistic freedom!!

Donation Tiers:

$50 (Stilter)

$100 - $500 (Juggler)

$501 - $1000 (Aerialist)

Names on website as a "friend of circus arts in Louisville"

$1000 - $5000 (Fire Eater)

Top billing on website as sponsor plus honorable mentions on social media, advertising and promotions for upcoming show

TShirts/merch (TBD)

$10,000.00 and over (Ringmaster)

Company/Individual listed as the major sponsor on website, social media, advertising and promotions (and promoted as such).

Logo on TShirts/merch for upcoming show

Admittance for group of 4 to local event/performance (if not private event)

Funds additional outreach programs to unite the circus community in the Louisville area

If you would like to donate please contact

Click HERE to donate!!

We can always come and pick it up too – just specify if you want a ball walker, juggler, fire eater or acrobat to come and collect your generous donation!